Cross-entropy integrated MCDM techniques

This is the code for cross-entropy integrated 5 different MCDM methods viz. ARAS, VIKOR, TOPSIS, modified TOPSiS, and MOORA.
ダウンロード: 132
更新 2024/4/12
This is the code for 5 different MCDM methods viz. ARAS, VIKOR, TOPSIS, modified TOPSiS, and MOORA. The weights of the criteria are computed using the cross-entropy method. Anyone using this code cite the paper title "Entropy based MCDM approach for Selection of material"
"Hussain, S. A. I., & Mandal, U. K. (2016). Entropy based MCDM approach for Selection of material. In National Level Conference on Engineering Problems and Application of Mathematics (pp. 1-6)."


SYED ABOU ILTAF HUSSAIN (2024). Cross-entropy integrated MCDM techniques (, GitHub. 取得済み .

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作成: R2014a
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