SIMPLE Algorithm based steady state solver

バージョン 1.3.0 (6.63 KB) 作成者: Sumedh Soman
SIMPLE algorithm based solver for steady state momentum and continuity equation in 2D
ダウンロード: 328
更新 2021/3/14

2D steady state solver, based on SIMPLE algorithm. 10x10 Staggered grid is used. Lid-driven cavity boundary conditions are employed, but the right hand side velocity is non zero. Please contact if you find any bugs. You can add any visualisation plots according to your preference. The contours are quite rough (as it is a 10x10 grid). The grid can be made finer, for better visualisation.


Sumedh Soman (2024). SIMPLE Algorithm based steady state solver (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020b
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを得たファイル: Navier-Stokes Solver using SIMPLE, matlab

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Added rough p,u,v contours, optimised under-relaxation and over-relaxation coefficient further.


V1.1: Velocity and pressure overrelaxation and underrelaxation coefficients changed for better accuracy, rough contours added, rectified an error in source term expression and in boundary condition implementation.


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