
バージョン 1.0 (8.07 KB) 作成者: Rob McDonald
Tools for working with the UIUC Propeller Data Site data in Matlab
ダウンロード: 94
更新 2021/2/23

The UIUC Propeller Data Site is a tremendous resource maintained by Prof. Michael Selig and students at UIUC. A large number of propellers suitable for application to radio-control aircraft and small UAV's have been tested in the wind tunnel with the results reported in the data site.

While the propeller data (say CT and CP vs. J) is contained in simple data files, the meta-data for each propeller (say diameter, pitch, and what RPM's were tested) is not explicitly provided. Instead, it is implied by the names of the files containing the data.

This layout style makes it very easy for a user to scan the database and to pull out the data they need about a particular propeller. Unfortunately, this style makes it rather challenging for a computer program to scan through and to work on the database as a whole.

These tools address that challenge.


Rob McDonald (2024). PropDBTools (, GitHub. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020b
Windows macOS Linux
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