Plot 3D Color Line

バージョン (2.66 KB) 作成者: Daniel Ennis
Plots a 3D line with color encoding along the length using the patch function.
ダウンロード: 6.9K
更新 2016/3/31


This function plots a 3D line (x,y,z) encoded with scalar color data (c). This function is an improvement over the CLINE function previously made available on TMW File Exchange. Rather than using the LINE function a PATCH surface is generated. This provides a way to change the colormapping because the surface patches use indexed colors rather than true colors. Hence changing the COLORMAP or CAXIS of the figure will change the colormapping of the patch object.
DEMO: clinep;

SYNTAX: h=clinep(x,y,z[,c,W]);

x - mx1 vector of x-position data
y - mx1 vector of y-position data
z - mx1 vector of z-position data


c - mx1 vector of index color-data (uses current colormap or DEFAULT)
W - 1x1 specifies the line thickness (DEFAULT is 3)


h - Graphics handle to the patch object.

DBE 2005/09/29

P.S. The code is modified from code that generates a 3D tube, rather than a line, but that needs more work still.


Daniel Ennis (2024). Plot 3D Color Line (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R14
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ヒントを得たファイル: cline.m

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