
バージョン 1.2.0 (11.1 KB) 作成者: Rohan Kadambi
plotNAx is a plotting utility which can graph data (with formatting) across multiple y-axis with a shared x-axis.
ダウンロード: 50
更新 2021/2/8


plotNAx can be used to construct plot graphics with arbitrary placement of multiple plot groups on multiple arbitrarily aligned axis with significant flexibility using MATLAB's built-in plot and axes Name-Value pair options.

Calling Structure:
[parent, ax_list, pl_list] = plotNAx(global options,...
x1, y1, group 1 options,...
x2, y2, group 2 options,...
xn, yn, group n options)

While iterating over the provided plot groups, the function creates properly scaled axes as needed and places formatted data on them. The global options (generally) set formatting choices which affect all axes (e.g. forcing the color of YAxis to match that of the data on those axes). These global options are all sent as Name-Value pairs. The "group n options" in the calling structure can be (almost) any property set when calling plot(...) or axes(...). This includes the use of LineSpec and Name-Value pair arguments. See the header comment in plotNAx.m for more details. See Section 1 of plotNAx_test.m for some examples to get started.


Rohan Kadambi (2024). plotNAx (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020b
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを得たファイル: plotyyy, addaxis, Plot with multiple Y-axes

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Supressed output from axes set command. Updated inner y-axis to copy tick labels on construction. [2020-02-08, RPK]


% 1.1.3 - Fixed thumbnail image on mathworks file exchange
% [2020-01-13, RPK]


% 1.1.2 - Fixed thumbnail image on mathworks file exchange
% [2020-01-13, RPK]


% 1.1.1 - Removed internal bug tracking from published file.
% [2020-01-13, RPK]


% 1.1.0 - Fixed bug in layering of axes covering the "colored" y-axis of
% other axes by adding a "base" axes which displays the shared
% x-axis. Additionally, in order to prevent overlapping of the
% "inner most" left
