
バージョン 1.0.2 (16.8 KB) 作成者: milad eshkevari
This repository contains the matlab based implementation of the 'GBK-means clustering algorithm: An improvement to the K-means algorithm.
ダウンロード: 177
更新 2021/1/15

Welcome. This repository contains the matlab based implementation of the 'GBK-means clustering algorithm: An improvement to the K-means algorithm based on the bargaining game'. In this repository, source codes of GBK-means Clustering Algorithm and its comparisons with two well-knowed clustering algorithms, K-means and fuzzy cmeans, are presented. Comparisons have been made on artificial and real world data sets with regard to Common validity indexes. Proposed approach is a new mechanism for addressing cluster analysis problem in wich cluster centers compete with each other to attract the largest number of similar objects or entities to their cluster.


Mustafa Jahangoshai Rezaee, Milad Eshkevari, Morteza Saberi, Omar Hussain, GBK-means clustering algorithm: An improvement to the K-means algorithm based on the bargaining game, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 213, 2021, 106672, ISSN 0950-7051, (

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作成: R2020b
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