
バージョン (515 KB) 作成者: Ohad Gal
Enhanced dialog box for folder browsing.
ダウンロード: 4K
更新 2005/11/7


This enhancement allows the user to:

1. browse using "copy-paste"
2. create a new folder from this dialog

UIBROWSEFORFOLDER Standard Windows browse for folder dialog box.

folder = uibrowseforfolder( title_str, initial_path )

Output: folder = selected folder (empty string if dialog cancelled)
Inputs: title_str = title string (OPTIONAL)
initial_path = initial path (OPTIONAL, defaults to PWD)

Examples: folder = uibrowseforfolder - default title and initial path
folder = uibrowseforfolder('Select results folder') - default initial path
folder = uibrowseforfolder([], 'C:\Program Files') - with no title

1. using mex function browseforfolder.dll
2. credit for "C++" code goes to Armen Hakobyan code taken from "The Code Project" at:
3. converted to matlab mex file by Ohad Gal.


Ohad Gal (2024). browseforfolder (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R13SP1
Windows macOS Linux
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

I found out that some OS need two additional DLLs for this function to work: msvcrtd.dll and MFC42D.DLL