Electric/Magnetic Dipole Radiation in Planar Layered Media

バージョン 1.6 (20.8 KB) 作成者: Mazin Mustafa
Computes the near-field electric fields due to electric or magnetic dipole in planar multilayered media of any number of layers.
ダウンロード: 310
更新 2020/11/9


This code computes the near-fields due to an electric or magnetic dipole (J or M) radiation in a planar layered media environment. The code solves the Sommerfeld integrals and treats the setup using a transmission line model. This code has no restrictions on the dipole position or orientation. Also, any number of layers can be used (please modify the SampleConfiguration.m file to create your configuration). The media parameters are assumed isotropic but accepts complex values (lossy and plasmonic) as well as LH media parameters. In addition to this, the user may add surface conductive sheets on the interfaces to simulate scenarios like isotropic graphene or any similar 2D metal. Moreover, the user can add PEC/PMC terminations to the top and/or bottom layers to consider scenarios like substrate with GND plane or parallel plate waveguides, etc.

Note: computing Sommerfeld integrals is time consuming, although the code has speed ups, computing large number of points (>100x100) may take several minutes or hours.


Mazin Mustafa (2024). Electric/Magnetic Dipole Radiation in Planar Layered Media (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/82104-electric-magnetic-dipole-radiation-in-planar-layered-media), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020b
Windows macOS Linux

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