M- file for Audio spectral analysis

バージョン (1.19 KB) 作成者: aasim Azooz
audio analyser
ダウンロード: 7.5K
更新 2005/8/22


The file is written for MATLAB 6.5 it aquires data from the sound card . Fourier spectral power analysis one second of audio signal sample is analyzed by simply running the M-file. The frequency contents of the voice analyzed are shown of a plot. I have used this program to compare voice qualities of many music starssome proved realy as good as they claim others didn't. the property to look for on the plot is the number of peeks, the frequency spacing between peeks, their relative amplitude ratios. for good sopanos higher frequency contents has to large


aasim Azooz (2025). M- file for Audio spectral analysis (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8201-m-file-for-audio-spectral-analysis), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R13
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To explain the function and use of the file in a better way