Single Phase Full Wave Semi Controlled Ratifier With R Load

バージョン 1.0.0 (30.9 KB) 作成者: Kiran Jojare
Simulation of single-phase full-wave semi-controlled rectifier with R load with different firing angles
ダウンロード: 55
更新 2020/9/17


Simulation of single-phase full-wave semi-controlled rectifier with R load with different firing angles.
- Input : Vs= 100 sin(377t)
- Load Resistive (10 Ohms)
- The circuit can be triggered at a different firing angle. Change the value of firing angle const block in the triggering subsystem.
- Read readme.txt for more details
- Matlab Version 2019a


Kiran Jojare (2024). Single Phase Full Wave Semi Controlled Ratifier With R Load (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2019a
Windows macOS Linux

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