HRPBV - Hybrid Rotation BPSO8 and BBA

バージョン 1.0.0 (2.85 KB) 作成者: Vasily Mokhov
Hybrid Rotation binary Particle swarm optimization and Bat algorithm with a V-shaped transfer function (HRPBV)
ダウンロード: 81
更新 2020/8/30


The general idea of the HRPBV algorithm is to alternate the execution of the operators of the BPSO8 and BBA algorithms for processing individuals at each iteration using the general population, the best local and global solutions. At even iterations, individuals are processed as in the BBA algorithm, and at odd iterations, as in the BPSO8 algorithm (thus, the BPSO8 and BBA steps alternate).


Vasily Mokhov (2024). HRPBV - Hybrid Rotation BPSO8 and BBA (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2016a
Windows macOS Linux
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