% This matlab toolbox shows the example to simulate Spatiotemporal Dynamics of
% Electrical Wave Conduction and Propagation on Fractal Surfaces
% Authors: Yun Chen and Hui Yang
% Affiliations:
% The Pennsylvania State University
% 310 Leohard Building, University Park, PA
% Email: yanghui@gmail.com
% If you find this toolbox useful, please cite the following papers:
% [1] Y. Chen and H. Yang, Numerical simulation and pattern characterization of
% nonlinear spatiotemporal dynamics on fractal surfaces for the whole-heart modeling
% applications, European Physical Journal B, DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2016-60960-6
% [2] B. Yao, F. Imani, A. Sakpal, E. W. Reutzel, and H. Yang*, “Multifractal
% analysis of image profiles for the characterization and detection of defects
% in additive manufacturing,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,
% Vol. 140, No. 3, p031014-13, 2017, DOI: 10.1115/1.4037891
Hui Yang (2025). Spatiotemporal simulation on the fractal surface (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/78191-spatiotemporal-simulation-on-the-fractal-surface), MATLAB Central File Exchange.
Chen, Yun, and Hui Yang. “Numerical Simulation and Pattern Characterization of Nonlinear Spatiotemporal Dynamics on Fractal Surfaces for the Whole-Heart Modeling Applications.” The European Physical Journal B, vol. 89, no. 8, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Aug. 2016, doi:10.1140/epjb/e2016-60960-6.
Chen, Yun, and Hui Yang. “Numerical Simulation and Pattern Characterization of Nonlinear Spatiotemporal Dynamics on Fractal Surfaces for the Whole-Heart Modeling Applications.” The European Physical Journal B, vol. 89, no. 8, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Aug. 2016, doi:10.1140/epjb/e2016-60960-6.
Chen, Y., & Yang, H. (2016). Numerical simulation and pattern characterization of nonlinear spatiotemporal dynamics on fractal surfaces for the whole-heart modeling applications. The European Physical Journal B, 89(8). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1140%2Fepjb%2Fe2016-60960-6
doi = {10.1140/epjb/e2016-60960-6},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1140%2Fepjb%2Fe2016-60960-6},
year = 2016,
month = {aug},
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
volume = {89},
number = {8},
author = {Yun Chen and Hui Yang},
title = {Numerical simulation and pattern characterization of nonlinear spatiotemporal dynamics on fractal surfaces for the whole-heart modeling applications},
journal = {The European Physical Journal B}
Yao, Bing, et al. “Multifractal Analysis of Image Profiles for the Characterization and Detection of Defects in Additive Manufacturing.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 140, no. 3, ASME International, Jan. 2018, doi:10.1115/1.4037891.
Yao, Bing, et al. “Multifractal Analysis of Image Profiles for the Characterization and Detection of Defects in Additive Manufacturing.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 140, no. 3, ASME International, Jan. 2018, doi:10.1115/1.4037891.
Yao, B., Imani, F., Sakpal, A. S., Reutzel, E. W., & Yang, H. (2018). Multifractal Analysis of Image Profiles for the Characterization and Detection of Defects in Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140(3). ASME International. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1115%2F1.4037891
doi = {10.1115/1.4037891},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1115%2F1.4037891},
year = 2018,
month = {jan},
publisher = {{ASME} International},
volume = {140},
number = {3},
author = {Bing Yao and Farhad Imani and Aniket S. Sakpal and E. W. Reutzel and Hui Yang},
title = {Multifractal Analysis of Image Profiles for the Characterization and Detection of Defects in Additive Manufacturing},
journal = {Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering}
Yang, Hui, et al. “Whole Heart Modeling — Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Electrical Wave Conduction and Propagation.” 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), IEEE, 2016, doi:10.1109/embc.2016.7591990.
Yang, Hui, et al. “Whole Heart Modeling — Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Electrical Wave Conduction and Propagation.” 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), IEEE, 2016, doi:10.1109/embc.2016.7591990.
Yang, H., Chen, Y., & Leonelli, F. M. (2016). Whole heart modeling — Spatiotemporal dynamics of electrical wave conduction and propagation. In 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1109%2Fembc.2016.7591990
doi = {10.1109/embc.2016.7591990},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1109%2Fembc.2016.7591990},
year = 2016,
month = {aug},
publisher = {{IEEE}},
author = {Hui Yang and Yun Chen and Fabio M. Leonelli},
title = {Whole heart modeling {\textemdash} Spatiotemporal dynamics of electrical wave conduction and propagation},
booktitle = {2016 38th Annual International Conference of the {IEEE} Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ({EMBC})}