Romberg Integration

バージョン 1.0.0 (1.97 KB) 作成者: Robby Ching
A numerical integration that changes the base points of the trapezoid in evaluating the integral, thus giving better estimates
ダウンロード: 272
更新 2020/7/3


It is an iterative approach of numerical integration for functions, adapted from the classical Trapezoidal rule. It asks the user what termination criterion to employ, either a %relative error or number of iterations. A 1st iteration has a local truncation error of O(h^4); 2nd iteration an error of O(h^6); 3rd iteration an error of O(h^8), and so on.


Robby Ching (2025). Romberg Integration (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020a
Windows macOS Linux

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