Generate Abaqus Mesh for Fiber-reinforced Composites

Generates Abaqus input file (*.inp) for fiber-reinforced composites geometries
ダウンロード: 387
更新 2024/8/30


This function generates mesh for fiber-reinforced composites with randomly distributed discontinous fibers. Their orientation can be either random or aligned to a certain direction. The elements are divided into two sets. One set named "Fiber" in the elements set consists of truss elements for the fibers. The other set is named "Matrix" consist of tetrahedral elements for the matrix material. The interface is assumed rigid between them. The mesh is plotted in matlab and saved in Abaqus input (*.inp) file. Also example file is provided for this function
function Abaqus_FRC_Mesh(x,y,z,dx,dy,dz,L,N,Orientation,Filename)
x: [x1 x2] (2*1) vector for the range of geometry in x-direction
y: [y1 y2] (2*1) vector for the range of geometry in y-direction
z: [z1 z2] (2*1) vector for the range of geometry in z-direction
dx: mesh size in x-direction for the matrix
dy: mesh size in y-direction for the matrix
dz: mesh size in z-direction for the matrix
L: length of fibers
N: number of fibers
Orientation: can be either:-
-For aligned fibers Orientation=[l m n] where l,m, and n are the direction cosines of the fibers orientation in x,y, and z directions, respectively.
- For random fibers Orientation=[] (empty)
Filename: Full path of the input file containing the folder, name of the file and extension such as: 'D:\Example.inp'
Note: The mesh is imported in Abaqus using the following steps :(1-File___2-Import___3-Model__4-(*.inp) File). A model will be created containing a part (MATLAB_MESH). The part contains the element sets.


Ayad Al-Rumaithi (2024). Generate Abaqus Mesh for Fiber-reinforced Composites (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2017b
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