Global Sensitivity Analysis for SimBiology

Compute Sobol indices and perform a multiparametric global sensitivity analysis (MPGSA) of model responses.
ダウンロード: 654
更新 2021/4/20

The app lets you perform global sensitivity analysis (GSA) on a SimBiology model to explore the effects of variations in model parameters, species, or compartments on the model response. Using the app, you can compute Sobol indices and perform multiparametric global sensitivity analysis of model responses.

To install the Global Sensitivity Analysis App simply doubleclick the mltbx file. You can manage installed add-ons by clicking on the Add-Ons button in the MATLAB toolstrip.

To start the app, enter the following at the MATLAB command line: "startGlobalSensitivityAnalysisApp(model)", where model is a SimBiology model. For more information on how to apply doses and variants, enter: "help startGlobalSensitivityAnalysisApp".


Florian Augustin (2024). Global Sensitivity Analysis for SimBiology (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020a
R2019b 以降のリリースと互換性あり
Windows macOS Linux
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 SimBiology コミュニティのその他のファイル

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