
バージョン 1.0.0 (6.76 MB) 作成者: Melda Ulusoy
Simulink models for simulating BLDC motor control algorithms and MATLAB scripts to animate simulated data
ダウンロード: 1.2K
更新 2020/11/2

This repository contains MATLAB and Simulink files used in the "How to design motor controllers using Simscape Electrical" video series. The Simulink models show you how to model a BLDC motor, simulate its back-EMF voltage, and design a motor control algorithm to control a BLDC at varying speeds using PWM.


Melda Ulusoy (2024). Design-motor-controllers-with-Simscape-Electrical (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2019b
R2019b 以降 R2020a 以前と互換性あり
Windows macOS Linux

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2 Modeling a three phase inverter

3 Modeling commutation logic

1 Simulating back emf voltage of a BLDC motor

2 Modeling a three phase inverter

3 Modeling commutation logic

4 Modeling a PWM controlled buck converter

5 PWM control of a BLDC motor

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