
The MATLAB code for the research paper titled "A self‐adaptive synthetic over‐sampling technique for imbalanced classification".
ダウンロード: 61
更新 2020/3/6

This code is the self-adaptive synthetic over-sampling (SASYNO) approach described in:

X. Gu, P. Angelov, E Soares "A self-adaptive synthetic over-sampling technique for imbalanced classification,"
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, DOI: 10.1002/int.22230, 2020.

Please cite the paper above if this code helps.

For any queries about the code, please contact Dr. Xiaowei Gu, Prof. Plamen Angelov and Mr. Eduardo Soares

Programmed by Xiaowei Gu


X. Gu, P. Angelov, E Soares "A self-adaptive synthetic over-sampling technique for imbalanced classification," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, DOI: 10.1002/int.22230, 2020.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2018a
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