Improved WHOS function

バージョン (3.29 KB) 作成者: Daniel Ennis
Improves the readability of the WHOS function.
ダウンロード: 1.6K
更新 2005/7/18


WHOSBETTER is a function that sorts the WHOS output according a user defined input (ie name, size, bytes, type etc.). The output also includes the FULL size rather than the #-D labels that TMW prefers. The output is also human readable and incorporates the use of b (byte), kb (kilobyte), Mb (megabyte), and Gb(gigabyte) labeling.

whosbetter -n name ordered (DEFAULT)
whosbetter -s size ordered (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
whosbetter -b byte ordered
whosbetter -t type ordered (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

SYTNAX: whosbetter -b
whosbetter -n (DEFAULT)

DBE 2005/04/05

Comment: WHOSBETTER is too long of a filename to type it as often as I used to type WHOS. I like the name because I think it is funny, but in my own workspace I renamed the function to something much shorter.

Future Improvements:
1) Include handling for -s and -t options
2) Anything else?


Daniel Ennis (2024). Improved WHOS function (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R14
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Minor update to handle proper labeling of all data types.