Linking Matlab and Aspen Hysys through COM technology ("actxserver")
ダウンロード: 955
更新 2019/8/4


Simulation of chemical process is essential to develop sustainable designs. Nowadays, with the competitiveness in the markets, it demands the optimal operation of any chemical plant.

Matlab is a program widely used and accepted by the academic community. Academics daily load codes with advanced numerical methods of great application for engineering. Advanced optimization methods must be taken into account to apply them in the optimal design of chemical processes. Therefore, the connection between chemical process simulation programs (Aspen Plus, Hysys, Pro II, etc.) and tools such as Matlab are very useful.

I present an example of connection between Aspen HYSYS V.10.0 and Matlab. The simulation corresponds to a distillation column. As an application of the connection, a sensitivity analysis is done using Matlab (for loop).

Its only necessary to place the two files in the same folder and run the Hysys_Matlab_Example.m

Simulation file "Distill_Example.hsc" (Aspen HYSYS V.10.0) in: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oSqqMj11h3NJlHPlhzCeok9baaH4PHnC

Requires Aspen Plus V.10.0 software


Andrés F. Abril (2025). HYSYS-MATLAB LINK (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/72357-hysys-matlab-link), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2017b
R2015a 以降のリリースと互換性あり
Windows macOS Linux

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