MATLAB Report Generator - Custom Report Using Report API

バージョン 1.0.0 (1.29 MB) 作成者: Ed Marquez
This example shows how to use MATLAB® Report Generator™ to create a reporting program for a data analytics workflow based on flight data.
ダウンロード: 1K
更新 2019/7/3


This example shows how to use MATLAB® Report Generator™ to create a reporting program for a data analytics workflow. The purpose of the reporting program is to automate report generation based on the analysis performed on a dataset. Note that the code points to and downloads a large dataset from an external website. The data download will take a few minutes.

There are five key concepts covered in the reporting part:

1. Working with Word templates and filling holes with the Report API
2. Customizing reporters (Chapter Reporter)
3. Creating a custom reporter
4. Dynamically adding content to the report (with MATLAB® logic constructs)
5. Handling figures and images for the report and viewing the report


Ed Marquez (2025). MATLAB Report Generator - Custom Report Using Report API (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2019a
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