Matlab Grader Test Generator

バージョン 0.2 (47.5 KB) 作成者: Robin T. Bye
Test generator for Matlab Grader
ダウンロード: 172
更新 2020/2/2

編集メモ: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

Matlab Grader Test Generator is a tool to automatically generate tests which can be used in the Matlab Grader learning platform. All you need to provide are two scripts: a reference solution and a learner template. The end result is a .txt file with testing code snippets ready to be pasted into Matlab Grader's assessment environment.

The tool also offers an all-in-one testing script that also can be pasted directly into a Matlab Grader assessment test. The script will automatically test all variables common in the reference solution and the student submission for equality.

Please see the project wiki for more information:


Robin T. Bye, Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory (CPS Lab), NTNU (2020). Matlab Grader Test Generator (, GitHub. Retrieved <Month> <Day>, <Year>.

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

* Added all-in-one testing script
* Updated example solution and template scripts
* Updated README

Updated example solution and template scripts.

Edited Cite As information.

Added image. Modified "Cite As".


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