Element-based Solvers

バージョン 1.0.0 (830 KB) 作成者: Jan Valdman
2D Poisson's solver using only local FEM matrices without the global matrix assembly.
ダウンロード: 152
更新 2019/2/11


Rahman and Valdman (2013) introduced a vectorized way to assemble finite element stiffness and mass matrices in MATLAB. Local element matrices are computed all at once by array operations and stored in multi-dimentional arrays (matrices). We build some iterative solvers on available multi-dimentional structures completely avoiding the use of a sparse matrix. The implementation of those solvers is directly based on MATLAB codes from Rahman and Valdman (2013).

Type 'start_tensor_solver_Dirichlet' to run the code.


MATLAB Implementation of Element-based Solvers by Leszek Marcinkowski and Jan Valdman.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2018b
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