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Zero inflated poison regression & factor analysis
バージョン 1.0.1 (60.8 MB) 作成者:
Peter Xu
Zero inflated poison regression Zero inflated poison factor analysis
'Zero inflated poison regression & factor analysis' を共有
'EMzeropoisson_mat.m': Zero inflated Poisson regression.
'ZIPFA.m': Zero inflated Poisson factor analysis.
'cv_ZIPFA.m': Cross validation on ZIPFA.
'Examples codes.m': Example runs for 'EMzeropoisson_mat.m', 'ZIPFA.m', 'cv_ZIPFA.m'.
Peter Xu (2025). Zero inflated poison regression & factor analysis (https://github.com/zjph602xtc/ZIPFA), GitHub. に取得済み.
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Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom
- cl
- clz
- Contents.m
- finder
- f_adjustP
- f_AIC
- f_ancova
- f_ancovaPW
- f_anosim
- f_anosim2
- f_arrow
- f_author
- f_balance
- f_bartlett
- f_beep
- f_betainc
- f_bioenv
- f_biplot
- f_biplotEnv2
- f_biplotEnv3
- f_biplotPca2
- f_biplotSpecies
- f_boot
- f_bootCI
- f_bootDis
- f_boxPlot
- f_braycurtis
- f_brokenstick
- f_brush2idx
- f_bubble
- f_butter
- f_cap
- f_capMLE
- f_capOptimal
- f_capPlot
- f_CCorA
- f_CCorAplot
- f_CCorA_PL
- f_cda
- f_cda632
- f_cdaBCV
- f_cdaClass
- f_cdaCV
- f_cdaPlot
- f_cellstr2cat
- f_cellstr2num
- f_center
- f_central
- f_centroid
- f_chanceClass
- f_chisqIndep
- f_clarkEvans
- f_clock
- f_cluster
- f_colormap
- f_compet
- f_confEllipse
- f_convHull
- f_copy
- f_corr
- f_correlogram
- f_corrSign
- f_cov
- f_covPool
- f_cv
- f_deg2utm
- f_delaunay
- f_depthCM
- f_depthMean
- f_designMatrix
- f_diag
- f_dis
- f_dis2sim
- f_disprof
- f_disprof_clust
- f_disprof_clustPlot
- f_disprof_clust_bin
- f_dnn
- f_dummy
- f_dummy2cat
- f_eig
- f_eigenMaps
- f_eigenMapsStepwise
- f_ekmanDepth
- f_empPDF
- f_errRate
- f_euclid
- f_eucN
- f_export
- f_exportDods
- f_exportR
- f_extractFields
- f_figArea
- f_filterMA
- f_filterSinclair
- f_findCell
- f_firstOccur
- f_gabriel
- f_getNLOM
- f_gower
- f_graphviz_mds
- f_graphviz_mst
- f_graphviz_neato
- f_greenwood
- f_greenwood_cdf
- f_greenwood_par
- f_greenwood_pdf
- f_greenwood_plt
- f_greenwood_rnd
- f_gregorian
- f_grpBoot
- f_grpBootMix
- f_grpMean
- f_grpOutlier
- f_grpPlot
- f_grpPrctile
- f_grpRel
- f_grpResample
- f_grpSize
- f_grpSum
- f_gshhs2Shp
- f_halfchange
- f_hellinger
- f_helmert
- f_hist
- f_ibc
- f_import.m
- f_importCSV
- f_importShapefile
- f_importSurfer
- f_importSurferBln
- f_importSurferGrd
- f_indVal
- f_interaction
- f_inv
- f_isAbsent
- f_isDST
- f_isOdd
- f_isPresent
- f_isScalar
- f_issymdis
- f_issymSim
- f_isWhole
- f_julian
- f_julianSub
- f_kde
- f_labelplot
- f_latlong
- f_leapYear
- f_lenfreq
- f_ll2utm
- f_lowpass
- f_lowpass40
- f_mad
- f_mantel
- f_mle
- f_mleCook
- f_mocnessAb
- f_modelMatrix
- f_month2num
- f_moran
- f_mregress
- f_mst
- f_mst_mex
- f_mst_old
- f_multicomb
- f_nan2ave
- f_ncap
- f_ncapOptimal
- f_nmds
- f_nmdsPlot
- f_nnMLP
- f_nnMLP632
- f_nnMLPcv
- f_normal
- f_npDisp
- f_npDispAll
- f_npDispPlot
- f_npManova
- f_npManovaPW
- f_npMLE
- f_NSIDCimport
- f_NSIDCinterp
- f_num2cell
- f_numAtLength
- f_origin
- f_outlier
- f_outlyingness
- f_outlyingness_test
- f_parse
- f_pca
- f_pcaPlot
- f_pca_importance
- f_pcnm
- f_pcoa
- f_pcoaPlot
- f_pcoa_2
- f_pdf
- f_pdfCrop
- f_pdfDistill
- f_pdfLatex
- f_pdfMerge
- f_pdfSplit
- f_perError
- f_permanova
- f_permanovaPW
- f_permtest
- f_perturb
- f_plotBarsH
- f_plotBarsV
- f_plotError
- f_plotNeigh
- f_plotUSGS
- f_pnn
- f_pnn632
- f_pnnAIC
- f_pnnCV
- f_pnnSm
- f_poly
- f_prd
- f_procrustes
- f_qSort
- f_randDir
- f_randRange
- f_randSub
- f_randWH
- f_range
- f_ranging
- f_ranks
- f_rda
- f_rda
- f_rdaAIC
- f_rdaAnova
- f_rdaAxes
- f_rdaAxes
- f_rdaDB
- f_rdaDB_AIC
- f_rdaDB_manova
- f_rdaDB_Stepwise
- f_rdaPlot
- f_rdaPlot2
- f_rdaStepwise
- f_rdaStepwise
- f_readcwf
- f_recode
- f_relNeigh
- f_rename
- f_renameBatch
- f_renameField
- f_rewrap
- f_rgb
- f_round
- f_rsd
- f_selectW
- f_shadeBox
- f_shuffle
- f_simper
- f_smooth
- f_sort
- f_stdErr
- f_stnd
- f_struct2flat
- f_style
- f_sub
- f_subsetDisPW
- f_subsetPW
- f_svd
- f_swapInt
- f_symb
- f_table
- f_trajectory
- f_transform
- f_unique
- f_unwrap
- f_utm2deg
- f_variogram
- f_vecAngle
- f_vecDiagram
- f_vecMagDir
- f_vecPlot
- f_vecRot
- f_vecRotAngle
- f_vectorfit
- f_vecTrans
- f_vecTrans3d
- f_vecUV
- f_venn
- f_vonBert
- f_vonBertAge
- f_vonBertModel
- f_vonBertModelInit
- f_vonBert_La
- f_vonBert_t0
- f_vpa
- f_vpaDB
- f_wascores
- f_windCMAN
- f_windstress
- f_writeTxt
- f_wtMean
- f_wtRndSamp
- f_xdiss
- f_xMatrix
- f_xmlExtract
- m_2D_surf
- m_bubble
- m_extContours
- m_ginput
- m_scaleBar
- m_subset
- saver
- stuff.m
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/examples
- example_AIC.m
- example_ANCOVA.m
- example_ANOSIM.m
- example_ANOSIM_2.m
- example_BIOENV.m
- example_BootCI.m
- example_Boxplot.m
- example_BubbleMap.m
- example_CAP.m
- example_CCorA.m
- example_CDA.m
- example_ChanceClass.m
- example_Chi-square_Independence.m
- example_Correlogram.m
- example_Design.m
- example_DISPROF.m
- example_DISPROF_clust.m
- example_DISPROF_clust_02.m
- example_DISPROF_clust_03.m
- example_Dissimilarities.m
- example_Dummy.m
- example_Graphviz.m
- example_Greenwood.m
- example_Greenwood_Distribution.m
- example_Greenwood_JohnsonCurves.m
- example_IBC.m
- example_ImportData.m
- example_ImportShape.m
- example_IndVal.m
- example_Interpolate.m
- example_Manova.m
- example_Manova_db-RDA.m
- example_Maps.m
- example_Matlab_v_R.m
- example_MEM.m
- example_MEM_1.m
- example_MEM_2.m
- example_MLE.m
- example_MLECook.m
- example_MLR.m
- example_Moran.m
- example_MST.m
- example_MultComp.m
- example_Multiple_Regression.m
- example_NCAP.m
- example_Negative_Eigenvalues.m
- example_Neighbor.m
- example_NLME.m
- example_NMDS.m
- example_NPDISP.m
- example_NSIDC.m
- example_Partial_Regression.m
- example_PCA.m
- example_PCA_importance.m
- example_PCNM.m
- example_PCNM_db.m
- example_PCoA.m
- example_PERMANOVA.m
- example_Plot_Bars.m
- example_Procrustes.m
- example_PVD.m
- example_RDA.m
- example_RDA_anova.m
- example_RDA_axes.m
- example_RDA_covar.m
- example_RDA_db.m
- example_RDA_partial.m
- example_RDA_partial_DB.m
- example_RDA_partial_DB_AIC.m
- example_Rename.m
- example_Repeated_Measures.m
- example_SelectW.m
- example_Shadebox.m
- example_SIMPROF.m
- example_Spacemaker.m
- example_Spatial_Randomness.m
- example_Stepwise.m
- example_Variogram.m
- example_Vector_Plot.m
- example_Visual_Survey.m
- example_Von_Bert.m
- example_VPA.m
- example_VPA_3.m
- example_VPA_DB.m
- example_Weighted_Random_Sample.m
- example_Wichmann_Hill.m
- m_binnedMap
- vor.m
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/laser
- Contents.m
- f_compare_PT
- f_compare_PT_old
- f_corr_PT
- f_cps2ppm
- f_cps2ppm_MACS
- f_cps2ppm_PS
- f_cps2ppm_PT
- f_cps2ppm_SPOT
- f_cpsParse
- f_cpsPlot
- f_export_cps
- f_export_ppm
- f_export_PT
- f_extract_PT
- f_filter_PT
- f_grubbs
- f_importXL
- f_interpolate_PT
- f_peaks_PT
- f_plot_PS
- f_plot_PT
- f_plot_PT_BATCH
- f_rosner
- f_spike
- readmeSRM.m
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/laser/examples
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/laser/examples/exampleBatchProcess
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/laser/examples/exampleDataReduction
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/laser/examples/exampleProfileSpots
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/mvabund
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/mvabund/examples
Codes for paper/Accessory/FTM/Fathom/private
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