
バージョン 1.0.2 (3.25 MB) 作成者: Jueqin Qiu
Read and Process Camera Raw Data with MATLAB
ダウンロード: 492
更新 2020/10/28

MatRaw is a simple bridge tool for extracting completely intact image data from raw files of DSLRs/DSLMs. You can use it to convert raw files to OS-friendly images or MATLAB-accessible .MAT files, and/or to perform basic processing in ISP pipeline such as raw noise reduction, white balancing, and colorimetric characterization (a.k.a. color correction or color space transformation).

Key features:
- conversion from camera raw files (.CR2, .NEF, .ARW, .RAF, .ORF, .DNG, etc) to .MAT files or image formats (.PNG, .TIFF, .PPM, etc)
- (optional) darkness level subtraction
- (optional) demosaic
- (optional) color interpolation
- (optional) white balancing
- (optional) color space transformation (a.k.a. color correction)
- (optional) fixed pattern noise (FPN) reduction
- (optional) pixel response non-uniformity (PRNU) compensation (a.k.a. flat field correction)

Please see the repository ( for more details.


Jueqin Qiu (2024). MatRaw (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2017a
R2016a 以降 R2018b 以前と互換性あり
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを与えたファイル: matlab-unpackRaw

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