Quasi-analytical solver for scalar conservation laws

バージョン 1.0.0 (43.5 KB) 作成者: Manuel A. Diaz
Couluovrat's quasi-analitical solver for the Buckley-Leverett and inviscid Burgers' equations
ダウンロード: 45
更新 2018/7/31

This is a Matlab implementation of the solver presented by Prof. Coulouvrat {Coulouvrat, François. "A quasi-analytical shock solution for general nonlinear progressive waves." Wave Motion 46.2 (2009): 97-107.}

NOTES: This is an initial implementation. I'm aware it might still a little buggy. Nevertheless, it can be used to reproduce most of the figures presented in the work of Coulouvrat (2009) or to formulate exact solutions of the Burgers' equation.


Manuel A. Diaz (2024). Quasi-analytical solver for scalar conservation laws (https://github.com/wme7/QuasiAnalyticalSolver), GitHub. 取得済み .

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作成: R2016b
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