
バージョン (284 KB) 作成者: Ben Holmes
A MATLAB Coder compatible filter.
ダウンロード: 26
更新 2018/6/14

A MATLAB Coder compatible filter function, capable of 2nd order high, low, and bandpass filters and their combinations.
Many filter design functions are not compatible with MATLAB Coder, e.g. `butter()`. This function is compatible, and designs 2nd order high/low/bandpass filters and applies them to the provided signal. Each 2nd order filter can be cascaded with any of the other types, enabling higher-order filters and funky shaped filters. The result is a versatile and fast (especially when compiled) filter function!


Ben Holmes (2024). coderFilter (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2017b
Windows macOS Linux
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