Worked Example of Multivariable Subspace Identification: MOESP

バージョン (222 KB) 作成者: ahmed
Example of using MOESP, the example found in: Subspace Methods for System Identification "Springer"
ダウンロード: 239
更新 2017/11/25


This is the worked example of using MOESP, the example found in: Subspace Methods for System Identification, written by: Tohru Katayama , "Springer 2005", page 160 example 6.6.
the book page includes the example is provided in this submission as a pdf file.
It is important submission since it uses many powerful functions of MATLAB.


ahmed (2025). Worked Example of Multivariable Subspace Identification: MOESP (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2016b
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ヒントを得たファイル: Multivariable Subspace Identification: MOESP, Moesp using input and output Data

ヒントを与えたファイル: Moesp using input and output Data

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