xPC Stand Alone Downloader

Stand-Alone Prg that enables xPC Target Applications User to communicate and control a Target.
ダウンロード: 3.7K
更新 2004/12/7


xPCStAlDownl.exe is the Executable Program of the "xPC Stand Alone Downloader" Application. An Application which allows a xPC Target Applications User, without having any The MathWorks Tools installed, to communicate, dis- and connect, un- and download of a xPC RT-Application as well to control the Target System, means start or stop it. It uses the xPC Target Embedded Option technology though the xPC COM API to access to the most of xPC Application Properties.

The xPC Target Real-Time Applications (DLM-Extension Files) should be already created with MATLAB, Simulink, Real-Time Workshop and xPC Target. This delivered Applications are then downloadable through the Interface of the "xPC Stand Alone Downloader" to a connected Target PC-System via TCP/IP communication. You can use one or select one from a collection of defined IP-Addresses to get communication to a Target PC-System. Makes easier when you are working with multiple Target PC-Systems. The User can control the Target Application like, starting, stopping, viewing the execution time, the stop as well the sample time of the Application.

To be able to modify one or more of tunable Properties of the xPC Target Application you can get access to them through a Internet Browser, like the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). Enter the IP-Address of the started RT-Kernel on Target followed by the Portnumber which where defined while creating the xPC Target RT-Kernel BootDisk or DOSLoader. Enter the IP-Address on the URL field of the IE, i.e. and manipulate through the coming up xPC Target WWW-Interface some of the Properties of your xPC Target Application, like Parameters, Stop and Sample time, view Signals, create or delete Signal Scopes on the Target, get an actual Screenshot of the running xPC Target Application, in case of documentation or if none Monitor connected. Stopping the Application will, if selected while Application creation, enable Options to download and save the logged Execution time and predefined Signals in CSV-Format which could be viewed in Microsoft Excel or post processed in MATLAB or other Program.

NOTE(1): The xPC Target Kernel BootDisk or DOSLoader must be created by someone which does have the corresponding Version of xPC Target Software Version, does mean the Products before mentioned, which were used to compile and create the xPC Target Real-Time Applications! Otherwise you will not able to execute the xPC Target Applications in any case.

<B>NOTE(2):</B>You will need a small Program to activate the "xPC Stand Alone Downloader" Application. Inquires will be get a free license. Send just an eMail to <a href=mailto:matlab_attention@hotmail.com?subject=xPCStAlDownloader%20free%20license%20request

Hope you can use it, have fun!

And if you download something from MATLAB Central, try to share something which could be for others also useful. In this way the xPC Target, Simulink or MATLAB using Community will be grown. ThX also for your Feedback.


Frank González-Morphy (2024). xPC Stand Alone Downloader (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6466-xpc-stand-alone-downloader), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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