Most Valuable Player Algorithm: a novel optimization algorithm inspired from sport

バージョン (1.19 MB) 作成者: Houssem
Most Valuable Player Algorithm
ダウンロード: 368
更新 2017/7/20


This is a new metaheuristic called the Most Valuable Player Algorithm (MVPA) for solving optimization problems.
The developed algorithm is inspired from sport where players form teams, then these players compete collectively (in teams) in order to win the championship and they compete also individually in order to win the MVP trophy.
The MVPA is a very competitive optimization algorithm, it converges rapidly (with smaller number of functions evaluations) and more successfully (with higher overall success percentage) than many other optimization algorithms.


Houssem (2024). Most Valuable Player Algorithm: a novel optimization algorithm inspired from sport (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2015a
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