Video Face Replacement

バージョン (4.21 MB) 作成者: Mahmoud Afifi
Matlab implementation of our paper "Video Face Replacement System Using a Modified Poisson Blending Technique"
ダウンロード: 628
更新 2019/3/14


This source code is the implementation of the paper under title:
Video Face Replacement System Using a Modified Poisson Blending Technique
So if you will use this code, please cite the original paper.
Watch the video:
Run the demo of the software using
Be sure, the dataset located in the root folder of the source code folder "../dataset".
If you need to apply the software to your own videos, you must:
1- Convert the videos into sequnce of frames, see the dataset.
2- Target video frames should be in the format %5d.jpg and start from frame 00000.jpg
3- Source video frames should be in the format %5d.png and start from frame 00000.png
4- Source video frames should be stabilized first using, stabilizing function
5- Convert the stabilized frames of the source actor into png frames that contain the interesting region of the actor.
- The stabilized frames should have alpha channel to be used for extracting the mask.
- Adjust the cropped interesting region frames for getting your desirable results.
- See the dataset "target folders".

Afifi, Mahmoud; Hussain, Khaled F.; Ibrahim, Hosny M.; Omar, Nagwa M., “Video Face Replacement System Using a Modified Poisson Blending Technique,” Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2014 International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.205,210, 1-4 Dec. 2014


Afifi, Mahmoud, et al. “Video Face Replacement System Using a Modified Poisson Blending Technique.” 2014 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), IEEE, 2014, doi:10.1109/ispacs.2014.7024453.

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作成: R2013b
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A correct link to the data was updated