RMVAR: MEX function to delete variables in a MAT file

バージョン (1.52 KB) 作成者: Kesh Ikuma
This function deletes variables from a MAT file without loading the data onto Matlab.
ダウンロード: 33
更新 2017/3/16


rmvar(MATFILE,VARNAME1,VARNAME2,...) deletes the listed variables (VARNAME1, VARNAME2, etc.) from the MAT-file specified by the string MATFILE.

rmvar(MATFILE,{VARNAME1,VARNAME2,...}) is an alternate way to call, specifying the variable names in a cell array.

The function is implementd as a MEX function and the accompanied C++ source file must be compiled first by

mex rmvar.cpp

See mex documentation on how to configure the MEX compiler function.


Kesh Ikuma (2025). RMVAR: MEX function to delete variables in a MAT file (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/62101-rmvar-mex-function-to-delete-variables-in-a-mat-file), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2015b
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