infinite line that works with pan, zoom and auto-scale

バージョン (6.53 KB) 作成者: Reto Zingg
infiniLine adds an infinite line to a plot, similar to a grid-line
ダウンロード: 101
更新 2017/1/20


infiniLine adds an infinite line to a plot. The line will always extend to the axes boundaries, even after changing the limits or interactive zoom and pan. The infiniLine does not interfere with auto-scale. Two files are required, infiniLine.m contains the function to add the line, infiniLineCallBack.m contains the callback function that is called when the plot is updated.


Reto Zingg (2024). infinite line that works with pan, zoom and auto-scale (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2016b
Windows macOS Linux
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