compute-hdc: Highest density contour method in Matlab
# compute-hdc: Highest density contour method in Matlab
![Environmental contour](example-environmental-contour.jpg)
A software to compute a highest density environmental contour.
A highest density (HD) contour is one possible definition for an environmental
contour. This definition has been proposed by Haselsteiner, Ohlendorf,
Wosniok and Thoben (2017;
## Download and use the repository
To download this repository and its submodules use
git clone --recurse-submodules
## Individual files and functionality
This software involves a couple of .m files for computing a HD contour:
* `computeHdc`: Computes the contour. It needs a probabilistic model,
an exceedance probability and a grid as its input.
* `computeHdcExampleWithCMA`: Cotains examples how to use `computeHdc`.
* `getProbabilisticModel`: Returns some sample probabilistic models,
which can be used with `computeHdc`.
* The other functions are subroutines needed for `computeHdc`.
The software also includes implementations of other environmental contour
methods, which use different definitions for the exceedance probablity
of an environmental contour:
* `computeIFormContour`: Computes an inverse first order reliablity method
(IFORM) contour.
* `computeDsContour`: Computes a direct sampling contour.
* `computeISormContour`: Computes an inverse second order reliablity method
(ISORM) contour.
Andreas Haselsteiner (2025). compute-hdc: Highest density contour method in Matlab (, GitHub. に取得済み.
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バージョン | 公開済み | リリース ノート | |
1.2.4 | * Fixed a bug that occured when a model used the lognormal distribution for X2 and it had no dependency function when IFORM or ISORM contours were calculated. * Added tests for the IFORM and ISORM contours. |
1.2.3 | Fixed problems with model#9 that caused errors with the IFORM and ISORM example. |
1.2.2 | * Added implementations of IFORM, ISORM and Direct Sampling contour methods. |
1.1.1 | New features:
| | * improved the calculation of the HDC based on the HDR for dimensions d > 2 (now a 3x3x3 and 3x3x3x3 structural element is used)
| | added checks for Matlab toolboxes, added Octave support |
| | added link to preprint of highest density contour publication |
|| | improved fileexchange description |
|| |