compute-hdc: Highest density contour method in Matlab

A software to compute a highest density environmental contour.
ダウンロード: 294
更新 2020/5/7

# compute-hdc: Highest density contour method in Matlab
![Environmental contour](example-environmental-contour.jpg)

A software to compute a highest density environmental contour.

A highest density (HD) contour is one possible definition for an environmental
contour. This definition has been proposed by Haselsteiner, Ohlendorf,
Wosniok and Thoben (2017;

## Download and use the repository
To download this repository and its submodules use
git clone --recurse-submodules

## Individual files and functionality
This software involves a couple of .m files for computing a HD contour:
* `computeHdc`: Computes the contour. It needs a probabilistic model,
an exceedance probability and a grid as its input.
* `computeHdcExampleWithCMA`: Cotains examples how to use `computeHdc`.
* `getProbabilisticModel`: Returns some sample probabilistic models,
which can be used with `computeHdc`.
* The other functions are subroutines needed for `computeHdc`.

The software also includes implementations of other environmental contour
methods, which use different definitions for the exceedance probablity
of an environmental contour:
* `computeIFormContour`: Computes an inverse first order reliablity method
(IFORM) contour.
* `computeDsContour`: Computes a direct sampling contour.
* `computeISormContour`: Computes an inverse second order reliablity method
(ISORM) contour.


Andreas Haselsteiner (2025). compute-hdc: Highest density contour method in Matlab (, GitHub. に取得済み.

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作成: R2016b
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

* Fixed a bug that occured when a model used the lognormal distribution for X2 and it had no dependency function when IFORM or ISORM contours were calculated.

* Added tests for the IFORM and ISORM contours.


Fixed problems with model#9 that caused errors with the IFORM and ISORM example.


* Added implementations of IFORM, ISORM and Direct Sampling contour methods.


New features:
* Supports distributions that were estimatedusing kernel density estimation
* Supports the exponentiated Weibull distribution

* improved the calculation of the HDC based on the HDR for dimensions d > 2 (now a 3x3x3 and 3x3x3x3 structural element is used)
* included comments in getEnvironmentalPdfModel.m describing where users can input their own probabilistic model

added checks for Matlab toolboxes, added Octave support

added link to preprint of highest density contour publication

improved fileexchange description

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