
バージョン 2.2.0 (99.9 KB) 作成者: Jonathan Suever
Control which displays markdown as HTML within a MATLAB control
ダウンロード: 255
更新 2024/6/25

MATLAB FEX Minimum Version


Control which displays markdown as HTML within a MATLAB control

This control utilizes the Showdown javascript library to convert markdown into HTML and then uses MATLAB's own uihtml component to display the resulting HTML.

It behaves like any other graphics object within MATLAB in that all properties can either be set upon object construction

h = MarkdownPanel('Parent', uifigure(), 'Content', '# Hello World!');

Or after object creation using the returned handle

h = MarkdownPanel();
h.Parent = uifigure();
set(h, 'Position', [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5])

To set the actual Markdown content, use the Content property. You can provide either a string, or a cell array of strings which will automatically create a multi-line entry

set(h, 'Content', '#Hello World')
set(h, 'Content', {'#Hello World', 'This is a test...'})

You can use the Options property to modify options that are specific to how Showdown renders the markdown. By default, we use all of the default settings except that we enable support for tables.

h.Options.tables = true;

The Options property is simply a struct where the fieldnames are the option names and the value is the option value. You can modify this struct to adjust an option.

% Enable support for tasklists
h.Options.taskslists = true

A complete list of options can be found in the Showdown documentation


panel = MarkdownPanel();


panel, Graphics Object, The graphics handle that can be used to manipulate the appearance of the control


A demo application has been bundled with this code to show how to use some of the features. To run this demo, simply type the following into the MATLAB console.


Markdown Demo Application


Copyright (c) <2024> Jonathan Suever.
All rights reserved

This software is licensed under the BSD license


Jonathan Suever (2024). MarkdownPanel (, GitHub. 取得済み .

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See release notes for this release on GitHub:


See release notes for this release on GitHub:


* Updated to work on MATLAB R2021+
* Utilizes uihtml which requires a uifigure
* Updates Showdown JS to v2.1.0

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