バージョン (3.84 KB) 作成者: Marc Jakobi
Use tags in code comments to create notes/todos and display links to them in the command window.
ダウンロード: 133
更新 2022/10/15

Use tags in code comments to create notes/todos and display links to them in the command window.
TODOS: Similar to Matlab's TODO/FIXME report generator. Audits a file, folder, folder + subdirectories or the Matlab search path for tags created in code by commenting and displays them (as links to the matlab files) in the command window. Syntax: TODOS; searches the current directory and its subdirectories for TODO tags.
TODOS(TAG) searches the current directory and its subdirectories for tags specified by TAG. TAG can be a string or a cell array of strings.
TODOS(TAG, DIRNAME) scans the specified folder and its subdirectories.
TODOS(TAG, FILENAME, 'file') scans the matlab file FILENAME.
TODOS(TAG, DIRNAME, OPTION) specifies where to scan: OPTION == 'file' -> treats DIRNAME as a FILENAME OPTION == 'dir' -> scans the folder without subdirectories OPTION == 'all' -> scans the entire Matlab search path OPTION == 'subdirs' -> scans DIRNAME and its subdirectories


Marc Jakobi (2024). TODOS (, GitHub. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2016b
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