Electrical Impedance Tomography Image Reconstruction using MATLAB based freeware EIDORS

In this code, using EIDORS Electrical Impedance Tomographic Image Reconstruction is demonstrated.
ダウンロード: 1.3K
更新 2016/9/23


EIDORS is a MATLAB based free software used in forward and inverse solution of Electrical Impedance Tomography. In this code, I use EIDORS to demonstrate simple image reconstruction based on EIDORS inbuilt inversion algorithm. First I generate an artificial synthetic impedance data and reconstruct it and at the end inversion results are visualized. Code is heavily commented for easy understanding. Any suggestion are welcome.


Sathyanarayan Rao (2024). Electrical Impedance Tomography Image Reconstruction using MATLAB based freeware EIDORS (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/59263-electrical-impedance-tomography-image-reconstruction-using-matlab-based-freeware-eidors), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2015a
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