Elliptical Scanning Algorithm

バージョン (27.5 KB) 作成者: Surya
Elliptical scanning algorithm for image labeling in corneal topography
ダウンロード: 145
更新 2016/10/20

This algorithm detects the labels of the rings in a placido ring image which can be extremely helpful for corneal topography.
Note: Tilt of the ellipse has not been used for updating ellipse parameters due to which the code might be ineffective at times.


Surya (2024). Elliptical Scanning Algorithm (https://github.com/psurya1994/elliptical-scanning-algorithm), GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2014a
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを得たファイル: fit_ellipse

ヒントを与えたファイル: Corneal Topography: Constructing Curvature Topography from Placido Rings Image

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