
バージョン (4.4 KB) 作成者: Jeff Miller
Tools for passing optional parameters and name/value pairs in MATLAB.
ダウンロード: 40
更新 2018/1/4

A simple, handy function that you call to help your function process each of its optional 'NAME' and 'NAME'/value pair arguments (that is, call this function once for each of your optional arguments). No other set-up is required except for calling this function. You simply pass the function: (o) the name of the parameter it should check for, (o) the default value to be returned if that parameter is not specified, (o) the values of varargin passed to your function, and (o, optionally) a check on the value specified for the argument. This function returns the value given in the 'NAME'/value pair if one is found, and it returns your default otherwise.


Jeff Miller (2025). milleratotago/ExtractNameVal (, GitHub. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2015b
Windows macOS Linux
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