Genetic Disorder Detection Using Gyromagnetic Ratio

バージョン 1.0 (3.33 KB) 作成者: Selva Karna
Genetic Disorder Detection Using Gyromagnetic Ratio
ダウンロード: 364
更新 2016/4/25


This paper presents a novel Gyromagnetic Ratio and Larmor Precessopn Technique based Human Genetic Disorder Disease Detection and Disease Segmentation Using MRI and CT Images. The System have Three stage analysis their ,MRI & CT Images Fusing, Enhancement of MRI Data’s, Segmentation of Fusing Data’s. This System perfectly Detect Neuro Genetic Disorder Disease and Segment Region of disease.


Selva Karna (2024). Genetic Disorder Detection Using Gyromagnetic Ratio (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013b
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