asynchronous video reader
Reading videos using the inbuilt videoReader from matlab can be quite slow. This mex function enables you to read frames from video files or your webcam/cameras parallel to your main matlab program to get real time performance. When reading multiple videos simultaneously it can also make use of multiple cores on your machine to speed up the reading.
NOTE: this mex file makes use of mexopencv which can be installed from
NOTE: If some files of mexopencv don't compile, you can just delete the corresponding .cpp files from pathToYourMexOpenCVinstall/mexopencv/src/+cv
NOTE: this mex file is tested under windows 10, and will not work under LINUX based systems due to the use of windows parallelization functions (including Apple OS X).
How to install
Install mexopencv according to:
Place asyncVideoReader.cpp in pathToYourMexOpenCVinstall/mexopencv/src/+cv
Place asyncVideoReader.m in pathToYourMexOpenCVinstall/mexopencv/+cv
cd to your mexopencv path e.g: cd('C:/path/to/mexopencv')
type: mexopencv.make in your command window
How to use
Initialize a video:
vidObj = cv.asyncVideoReader('init video','C:/path/to/your/video.mp4');
Initialize a camera/webcam:
vidObj = cv.asyncVideoReader('init camera',cameraID);
Where the cameraID = 0,1,2,...
Your webcam is likely at cameraID = 0
Read from the video or camera:
frame = cv.asyncVideoReader('read frame',vidObj);
If the returned frame is empty you reached the last frame of the
Release a video or camera:
You should always release a video after you're done with it to
free memory.
Or release all videos simultaneously:
cv.asyncVideoReader('clear all');
Initialize a video:
vid2read = [matlabroot '\mcr\toolbox\matlab\audiovideo\xylophone.mp4'];
vid0 = cv.asyncVideoReader('init video',vid2read);
Initialize a camera/webcam:
vid1 = cv.asyncVideoReader('init camera',0);
Read from the video or camera:
frameVideo = cv.asyncVideoReader('read frame',vid0);
frameCamera = cv.asyncVideoReader('read frame',vid1);
Release a video or camera:
Or release all videos simoultaneously
cv.asyncVideoReader('clear all');
Example 1, read a video with a while loop:
vid2read = [matlabroot '\mcr\toolbox\matlab\audiovideo\xylophone.mp4'];
vid0 = cv.asyncVideoReader('init video',vid2read);
frameRGB = 0;
while ~isempty(frameRGB)
frameRGB = cv.asyncVideoReader('read frame',vid0);
% do something with the frame
cv.asyncVideoReader('clear all'); % Or just clear all
Example 2, read from your webcam:
vid0 = cv.asyncVideoReader('init camera',0);
for i = 1:300 % read up to 300 frames
frameRGB = cv.asyncVideoReader('read frame',vid0);
% do something with the frame
cv.asyncVideoReader('clear all'); % Or just clear all
Example 3, read a video with a for loop:
vid2read = [matlabroot '\mcr\toolbox\matlab\audiovideo\xylophone.mp4'];
vid0 = cv.asyncVideoReader('init video',vid2read);
for frame = 1:vid0.frames
frameRGB = cv.asyncVideoReader('read frame',vid0);
% do something with the frame
cv.asyncVideoReader('clear all'); % Or just clear all
Wout Oude Elferink (2025). asynchronous video reader (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
MATLAB リリースの互換性
Windows macOS Linuxカテゴリ
- MATLAB > Data Import and Analysis > Data Import and Export > Standard File Formats > Audio and Video Data >
- FPGA, ASIC, and SoC Development > Vision HDL Toolbox > Video Formats and Interfaces >
- Image Processing and Computer Vision > Vision HDL Toolbox > Video Formats and Interfaces >
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