Impact of Rocks and Minerals on Underground Magneto-Inductive Communication and Localization
The codes are contained in two different folders:
1. Folder Raw_Data_and_Skin_Depth_Calculation: (main code to run is calculate_skin_depth_rocks_minerals_paper.m)
%% The code in this folder calculates the skin depth values (the distance corresponding to an attenuation of 8.7 dB)
%% for most common rocks and minerals
% It relies on values of material electromagnetinc constants collected
% form 23 different sources (for details, see reference below)
% The values of electrical resitivity, relative magnetic permeability
% and relatrive electrical permittivity are provided in two separate CSV files
% (one for rocks and sediments, another for minerals, ores and mineralized waters)
% This code produces a a triple horizontal bar plot with MIN-MED-MAX
% skin depth values at three different operation frequencies.
% It also produces (almost) formatted LaTeX table with the MIN-MAX values
2. Folder Design_Guidelines_PLot_Generation:
%The code in this folder produces plots that can help optimize the design of magneto-inductive
%(low frequency magnetic) transceivers, with the objective of maximizing
%received power, given a set of distances, frequencies, and attenuating media.
%The function CalcDesignGuidelines calculates the induced voltage (via
%Faraday's law) in a receiver coil, due to the AC magnetic flux density
%produced by a magnetic dipole source as a function of frequency, distance
%and material parameters. Four plots are produced: 1) Path loss as a
%function of frequency, for different distances, 2) Optimum frequency as a
%function of distance, 3) Path loss as function of optimum frequency, and
%4) Bandwidth around optimum frequency as a function of distance. In the
%model, both the 1/r^3 and exponential attenuation terms are taken into
%account; we assume a constant flux density through the cross section of
%the receiver; we assume that coils are aligned coaxially. However,
%this code is valid also for triaxial coils, since the received power is
%invariant with respect to orientation of receiver.
% For more information, read the CalcDesignGuidelines.m help. Also, to
% begin, run Design_Guidelines_Plot_Generation/CalcDesignGuidelines_Script.m
% This work was done at the University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
% This code should ONLY be used for educational and scientific purposes
% and in non-commercial scopes.
% Their main purpose is to help researchers working on magneto-inductive
% localization and communications, and prevent them from searching in tables
% of electromagnetic constants.
% These codes comes for free as they are, and the author does not assume
% any responsibility for their usage.
% The authors support reproducible research and open software and therefore,
% they require their credits to be given.
% In case these codes are used, please cite the corresponding paper as
% follows:
% T. E. Abrudan, O. Kypris, N. Trigoni, and A. Markham,
% "Impact of Rocks and Minerals on Underground Magneto-Inductive Communication and Localization"
% Jun. 2016. (Online:
% The authors would like to thank EPSRC for funding this research (Grant
% ref. EP/L00416X/1 Digital Personhood: Being There: Humans and Robots in
% Public Spaces (HARPS), and Grant ref. EP/M017583/1 Magneto-Inductive Six
% Degree of Freedom Smart Sensors (MiSixthSense) for Structural and Ground
% Health Monitoring).
% Code by Traian E. Abrudan (C) 2016, and Orfeas Kypris (C) 2016
% Comments questions/suggestions should be sent to: abrudant [at] gmail [dot] com
% and kypriso [at] gmail [dot] com
Traian Emanuel Abrudan (2024). Impact of Rocks and Minerals on Underground Magneto-Inductive Communication and Localization (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
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