Availablity Monte-Carlo simulator

バージョン (6.01 KB) 作成者: Eric Ogier
Availablity Monte-Carlo simulator for systems including multiples redundant units
ダウンロード: 338
更新 2016/4/18


This simulator performs the Monte-Carlo simulation of the availability of an abstract system including multiple redundant units. The simulator estimates the instantaneous number of operational units and thus the availability of the global system, calculating the corresponding probabilities.
The random duration generator, simulating failures and recoveries, is defined by user through an anonymous function in which the simulator injects the simulated unit number, its current time and its current state.
The function also provides simulation realizations, numerically and graphically, in terms of:
- Common time vector
- Instantaneous number of operational units
- Instantaneous units states
- Units mean time to failure
- Units mean time to recovery


Eric Ogier (2024). Availablity Monte-Carlo simulator (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/56613-availablity-monte-carlo-simulator), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2014b
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