Figure Configuration Code (IEEE Transaction Standard)

バージョン (2.05 KB) 作成者: Junfei Tang
IEEE Standard Figure Configuration - Version 1.0
ダウンロード: 2.2K
更新 2016/4/10


You can run this code before the figure or plot command.
According to the standard of IEEE Transactions and Journals:

Times New Roman is the suggested font in labels.

For a singlepart figure, labels should be in 8 to 10 points,
whereas for a multipart figure, labels should be in 8 points.

Width: column width: 8.8 cm; page width: 18.1 cm.

This is what I use to get the plots for IEEE paper submission. I consider it to be convenient, and therefore, I share it here. Many thanks to Stefan Lundberg in the Division of Electric Power Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, for this code is modified from his "Chalmers design project report figure configuration code".

Good luck with your report or paper writing!

Contact: 湯駿飛 (Junfei Tang): or


Junfei Tang (2024). Figure Configuration Code (IEEE Transaction Standard) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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