
Image-based quiver plot for MATLAB
ダウンロード: 69
更新 2016/3/25

This project is an image-based variant of MATLAB's built-in quiver plot. The ImageQuiver class creates a graphics object that behaves similarly to the built-in quiver graphics object except that it displays a user-defined image in place of the arrows that quiver uses by default.
This project was initially developed as a response to a question ( posed by @jarhead on
The inputs to ImageQuiver are identical to the inputs to quiver with the exception that the first input is the image data that is used in place of the arrow heads.

h = ImageQuiver(CData, XData, YData, UData, VData, AutoScaleFactor);


Jonathan Suever (2024). ImageQuiver (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2014b
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