Probabilistic Linear Regression

バージョン (4.26 KB) 作成者: Mo Chen
Probabilistic Linear Regression with automatic model selection
ダウンロード: 631
更新 2016/3/13


This package contains functions that fit a probabilistic linear regression model. For the ordinary regularized linear regression, user has to manually assign the regularization parameter. However, here we provide methods to automatically determine proper parameter from the data.
Two methods have been used to determine the regularization parameter: one uses the EM algorithm, the other uses the Mackay fix point update method. There are also demos and docs in this package.

This package is now a part of the PRML Toolbox (


Mo Chen (2025). Probabilistic Linear Regression (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2016a
Windows macOS Linux
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