
Wrapper for the built-in MATLAB struct data structure
ダウンロード: 58
更新 2017/4/13

This is a class that simply wraps the functionality of the built-in struct datatype, but adds a number of useful features. The most notable feature, is that a structobj is a handle class and is therefore passed by reference to other functions. This allows you to essentially modify the structure in-place.
Instances of this class behave so similarly to the built-in datatype that they can often be fed as inputs to functions that expect structures as inputs.
Additional functionality:
* "Updated" event for when underlying data is changed
* Conversion back to standard structs
* Easily merge structobj instances or structures
* Compatibility with all standard struct functionality (isfield, setfield, getfield, dynamic fieldnames, concatenation, orderfields, fieldnames, tab completion, etc.)


Jonathan Suever (2024). structobj (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2008a
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