Phase Based Binarization of Ancient Document Images

バージョン (8.57 MB) 作成者: Manu BN
A Matlab code to Binarize Noisy Ancient Document Images
ダウンロード: 394
更新 2016/1/20


The code works on both Printed and Handwritten Noisy Ancient Document Images.
How to run ??
1. Unzip and place all the contents in the Matlab path
2. Right click on Dataset folder and add all selected folders and subfolders
3. Run Phase_GUI.m and select an image in Dataset folder
4. In the dialogue box type 1 for Edges or 2 for Edges+Corners and observe results
5. Observe the results and increasing PSNR values
The code is loosely based on the following two papers, please cite and give credit to the authors.

[1] Nafchi, H. Ziaei, Reza Farrahi Moghaddam, and Mohamed Cheriet. "Phase-based binarization of ancient document images: Model and applications." Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 23.7 (2014): 2916-2930.

[2] Kovesi, Peter. "Phase preserving denoising of images." signal 4.3 (1999): 1.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Thanks in Advance,

Manu B.N


Manu BN (2024). Phase Based Binarization of Ancient Document Images (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013a
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