CARTPROD: Cartesian product of multiple sets

バージョン (712 Bytes) 作成者: David Fass
Returns a matrix containing the cartesian product of multiple input sets.
ダウンロード: 4.9K
更新 2004/7/16


CARTPROD Cartesian product of multiple sets. (The cartesian product of multiple input sets is a larger set containing every ordered combination of the input set elements. See example below.)

X = CARTPROD(A,B,C,...) returns the cartesian product of the sets A,B,C, etc, where A,B,C, are numerical vectors.

Example: A = [-1 -3 -5];
B = [10 11];
C = [0 1];

X = cartprod(A,B,C)
X =

-5 10 0
-3 10 0
-1 10 0
-5 11 0
-3 11 0
-1 11 0
-5 10 1
-3 10 1
-1 10 1
-5 11 1
-3 11 1
-1 11 1

This function requires IND2SUBVECT, also available (I hope) on the MathWorks File Exchange site.


David Fass (2024). CARTPROD: Cartesian product of multiple sets (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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