
バージョン (4.88 KB) 作成者: Nick Higham
Modified Cholesky factorization
ダウンロード: 242
更新 2015/12/9

modified-cholesky contains MATLAB functions that compute a modified Cholesky factorization of a symmetric and possibly indefinite matrix. The algorithm is from
S. H. Cheng and N.J. Higham. "A modified Cholesky algorithm based on a symmetric indefinite factorization". SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 19(4):1097-1110, 1998.

and uses LDL^T factorization with a symmetric form of rook pivoting proposed by Ashcraft, Grimes, and Lewis. The functions here are based on code originally written by Bobby Cheng and Nick Higham in 1996.


Nick Higham (2024). higham/modified-cholesky (https://github.com/higham/modified-cholesky), GitHub. 取得済み .

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作成: R2015b
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