stackedplot: A quick way to plot without lines overlapping

バージョン (7.83 KB) 作成者: Kesh Ikuma
Plotting multple lines on the same axes with properly spaced offsets
ダウンロード: 442
更新 2015/11/4


Stackedplot wraps the built-in plot function to post-process the plotted lines, spacing them out so each lines can be observed easily. Makes it a quick (if not the quickest) way to inspect multi-channel data.
* Just works. Simply add "stacked" in front of an existing "plot" command line to spread the plots out
* Can spread on either x and y axis via PlotOrder parameter
* A label is automatically added for each plot lines in place of the standard ylabel/xlabel
* Layout is highly customizable via a number of parametric arguments
* Support log plots
* Baseline can be added (think of the built-in "bar" function)
* Baseline and rangelines are automatically adjusted if non-stacked axis limits property is modified


Kesh Ikuma (2024). stackedplot: A quick way to plot without lines overlapping (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2014a
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

* Fixed the error due to mishandling of the plot linespec arguments
* Changed single-line plot default PlotOrder from 'leftright' to 'topdown'
* Further fix to the input argument processing

* Removed the nagging warning in R2014b for using 'feature('UseHG2')

* Automatic baseline/rangeline adjustment when non-stacked axis limit changes
* Bug fixes

* Added 'normalize' option to PlotScaling parameter
* Fixed values of ticklabels if DataTickMode~='none' and PlotScaling is turned on